Replay now available!

Manifesting Menstrual Magic Webinar

Dispel beliefs about PMS and emotions holding you back. Learn how to harness the power of your body and emotions to actually magnetize your manifestations. Get the woo to work for you! 

Mark your calendar: Monday, November 14th at 7pm EST.

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Let's do this!

Here's what we'll cover:

Why Your Period is a Blessing


Yes, really all of the ugly acne, painful cramps and moody emotions are leading the way to your potential. Not in the way!

Harness the Power of Your Cycle


Learn the easy process to harness the power of your body and emotions to actually magnetize your manifestations. 

Top 3x Ways Holding You Back


Top ways ambitious women self sabotage & how to stop them in their tracks! You are only a few tweaks away from your dreams.

Meet your host

Hi, I'm Loren!

I spent a good portion of my life feeling like my body & emotions were sabotaging my dreams. Finally, I was able to crack the code to turn energy draining anxiety into focused confident action that helped me find peace of mind & manifest my dream life.

Now I'm a Manifestation Coach who helps ambitious women harness the power of their emotions to manifest their dreams with passion and purpose. You hear the calling of your soul to shine more, but what’s keeping you from living that reality?

It’s time to step outside your head and into your true potential.

"As someone who has dealt with anxiety for years, I found Loren to be a calming voice that gives you the tools you need to learn to work with your anxiety not against it."

Stephanie, past client

Webinar starting in:









Monday, November 14th at 7pm EST

Ready to manifest your life?

Register below to save your spot. You aren't going to want to miss this powerful training on how to harness your power of emotions and body to propel you to your dreams! Ambitious women are only a few tweaks away from achieving their dreams!